CCI Connect

CCI Connect

'Pastoral Care Team'


When the COVID-19 pandemic began and the church had to move from in person worship to online, it became apparent a plan would need to be implemented to keep the church connected.  

The Lord impressed me to form a team of men, who along with their spouse, would assist me in making sure the church, even though scattered, would know their spiritual family had not forgotten them.

Ten men have been initially selected to help. They are the 'Pastoral Care Team' who have made themselves available to care for the needs of our fellowship.  

More names and pictures of the 'Team' will be posted shortly.  Whenever you see them, please let it be known you are praying for them and if you have a concern or need, let them know.


Pastor Kevin


                     Senior Pastor                                                                Executive Pastor

Kevin Ballard                                                   Paul Giglio


Don Stewart      Mark Taylor      Mike Nappi 


       Lee Reid     Mike Baker      Ed Henzel


 Ernie Todd                                       Drew LoBianco  



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