Monthly Mission Update



Pastor Jacob, India


Jacob Marineni has a large ministry in India. He was born a Hindu in India on June 10, 1971. When he was 7 years old he became very in ill. The doctors sent him home with his parents to die. On the way home, his parents came across a Christian Evangelist. They asked for prayer and that was the beginning of God's work in Jacob's life. The Lord gave Jacob a vision that night showing who Jacob was in the Bible. Jacob was quickly healed and his family along with his uncle's family converted to Christianity.

Jacob began working as a missionary in 1991 after attending 2 years of Bible college. He married Elizabeth in 1992 and they have three children, Vijay Daniel, Victoria and Samuel Joseph. In 1994, after prayerful consideration, Jacob realized he could not do the work God had for him alone.

He united with some like-minded pastors and formed the mission Gospel For Tribals Social Service Society. Their moto is "holding Gospel in one hand and bread in the other hand". They started a Bible College under a mango tree with 15 students. Now they have a building and have trained 1201, 890 of those students are fulltime missionaries. They reach out to orphans, lepers & other needy people showing them the love of Christ as their Eternal Hope.











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