Pastor's Pen



From the Desk of Pastor Kevin Ballard

Welcome to our growing church family






Dear Calvary

Join us Friday[2-25-22] as we continue our study with Pastor Kevin in the Godpel of Luke.




SUNDAY SERVICES: 10am; Main Sanctuary

MONDAYS & FRIDAY NIGHTS; 7pm; Live on Facebook and Youtube 

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS;  7pm; Holy Grounds Cafe and Live Online Via Facebook and Youtube

FRIDAYS: 7pm; Friday night with Jesus.. the ministry of Jesus; Matthew - John.

AUDIENCE OF ONE; March 4th; HGC; 7pm; Doors open at 6pm

The office is open Tuesday thru Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm...

Soup Kitchen; Thursdays; 11am-1pm; Fellowship Hall

Food Pantry; Thursdays; 12Pm-2pm; Fellowship Hall


Asking everyone, who attends, to refrain from handshaking, hugging or congregating in groups of more than ten.


It's understandable when asked to refrain from that which is natural for Christians to do (handshaking, hugging, etc.) there will be a negative reaction. 


Calvary Chapel Inverness is made up of many spirit filled Christians who have a myriad of opinions of what guidelines should and should not be followed.  


It's beneficial to remember the Apostle Paul faced the same type of dilemma with the church in Rome and Corinth. 

Their challenge was not 'social distancing' but "food offered to idols" and "what day they should gather for worship." 

After hearing from all sides he wrote, "We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves. We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord" (Romans 15:1-2).

Therefore, with a humble heart and a desire to serve, each of us should seek to abide by the "social distance" protocols.  And, at the same time, ask the Lord to remove the Covid-19 virus and heal all who have been affected by it (physically, emotionally, economically and spiritually).

The sanctuary has been modified to comply with the social distance guidelines of six feet. Ushers are available to assist everyone who attends.


Masks are available (not required) for those who feel more comfortable wearing one while in public.


No need to make a reservation. The campus is big enough that we can accommodate a large number of people and still be able to abide by the social distance guidelines.


Those who are not comfortable being in public, but want to get out of the house, you can drive to the church, remain in your car, and hear the entire service on 92.1 fm.


For those who are sick, not feeling well, under the care of a physician, dealing with a compromised immune system, or not ready to be in a public gathering, please continue to worship with us online. Facebook and Youtube (Calvary Inverness), Sunday 10:00 am and 12 pm; Monday 7:00 pm, Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Friday, 7:00pm. 


Please continue to pray for the Pastors, Elders and the entire church family.


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